Wednesday, June 28


There are so much that people think they know about each other. Who we love, who we hate, what we like and what we don’t like. However, there is so much going on the inside that people may never see. We have feelings that we don’t show for each other. We all try to stay strong, put on a happy face and pretend that everything is ok. When are we going to face the truth? The truth that everything isn’t ok. When someone sees my pain, when someone sees through my smile I try even harder to show them that I’m ok. But what happens when I reach rock bottom? What happens when I can’t stay strong anymore?
I’m exhausted of trying to please everyone, trying to be there for everyone. I’m exhausted of never doing anything right. Why can’t you just be there for me?
There still are so many questions, and I really, really want answers.

Wow. So, this is how it feels?

Betrayal, and you don’t even see it.

Now you’re in.

I said I miss you, miss you.

Thursday, June 22


There are some people that you just can’t get out of your life. People that still are there, even though you have tried to get rid of them. They are there to tell you that they love you; they are still there to give you a hug when you need it the most. But some people are just there when they need you. They just comes a long when they need a hug from someone, when they need to hear positive words. I’m getting sick of being taken for granted; people still think that I will always be there for them. But what happens when I’m not?
But then again, there are some people that make it all better. Those few people that really care, the people I know I can trust.
Just to hear your voice today and tell you about the small things in my life. Those moments mean everything.

You came along… and you are helping to put the pieces back into place.

When we talk to each other, it’s like something falls into place. I think I may even love you.

Jag kan ens gå.

Sunday, June 18


I have never felt more alone. The feeling of just being used. The feeling that people are taking me for granted, they are just soo sure that I’m gonna be there. What happens when I’m not`? what happens when I get sick of it?

Kent. Anna. Tårar. Och en kram av en främling. Mer behövdes inte för att göra min kväll.

Monday, June 12


There are certain feelings that never goes away. The feeling of failure, that feeling that you are never enough. This feeling are growing inside and I don’t know how to stop it. Whatever I say and whatever I do, its never enough. And I’m getting sick of it.

The summer is finally here, the weather is lovely and my vacation has just started. Then why do I feel so alone?

Things aren’t always as they seem. Maybe sometimes you have to look in the book and just not only on the cover. You have to look for help and advice in different places. See people with a new pair of eyes. Maybe that’s what we all have to do.

Vet inte riktigt om jag ska titta dit eller hit. Och nu vet jag varken ut eller in. Vilket är ganska så jobbigt.

Jag blev kallad häftig. Wow.

Hanging in the sun
Having some fun

Monday, June 5


När man minst vill det, och när man minst annar att det ska komma. Då är det alltid något nytt som dyker upp. Något som man måste ta itu med, men som man kanske inte riktigt orkar.
Ibland kan man också känna att det blir för mycket, det är något lite som får bägaren att rinna över. Vad gör man då?
När man inte riktigt vill.

Idag var det en underbar dag. Verkligen. Behövde den mer än någonsin. Men som vanligt blir de nånting som sätter sin prägel på hela dagen. Men de är små saker.. Sånt som man får leva med.

När man trodde att allt var bra. Då händer det. Igen. Igen. Igen.

När ska jag få andas ut?

Im no superman